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Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom
By: Jon Matthews & Cait Matthews

This cauldron of ancient lore contains new translations of seminal Celtic texts, including stories, poems, and prose dating as far back as the 7th century. Highlighting ancestral knowledge on shamanic memory, druidic divination and prophecy, shapeshifting, soul-loss and restoration, and magic and healing, Celtic scholars Caitl¡n and John Matthews unearth ancient wisdom and spiritual sustenance from the Celtic tradition buried from us for generations. A generous selection of texts, myths, and commentaries provides lively discussion on such topics as "The Circuits of the Soul in Celtic Tradition,'' "The Colloquy of the Two Sages,'' and "Incubation and the Dream Quest,'' and offers interpretations of original re-tellings such as The Colloquy of the Two Sages and The Milesian Taking of Ireland. Other features includes comprehensive background material, notes, resources and a bibliography for suggested reading.

— Bargain Book Editors at Barnes and Noble
Format: Hardcover, 456pp.
Publisher: Barnes & Noble Books
ISBN#  0760701466