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Scottish Lore
All information is from The Folklore of the Scottish Highlands by Anne Ross (Batsford Books, 1990) 
The Sight
Second site, or more correctly the Two Sights,* plays a very large part in Scottish beliefs. It was strongly believed that certain people had the ability to see into the Otherworld, the dead, and/or the future. Not only people but dogs and horses were believed capable of such powers to an even greater extent than human seers ---especially when it came to seeing the dead. There were many specific beliefs about visions seen by seers. Martin Martin* recorded that in the Western Isles if a vision was seen in the morning the event it showed would happen in a few hours; if at noon sometime during the same day; if in the evening then sometime that night. A shroud seen about a person foretold death and the height of the shroud indicated when. One of the most famous Scottish seers was Kenneth MacKenzie, the Brahan Seer who was born on the Isle of Lewis in the 17th century. He had a blue or white stone which his mother gave him, having herself seen graves open up, release their occupants who later returned and the graves closed...except for one. She placed her staff in the grave when the occupant returned, a princess from Norway whose travels had been longer....the spirit told the woman where to find the stone and to give it to her son who gained the Sight from it.* He became very famous in his day as a seer and many of his predictions have proven true. These include the building of the Caledoinian Canal, the Highland Clearances, and the breakdown of the Clan system. 
The Sight was not something that was really considered desirable....especially as it often was about death..and Ross notes that seers tended to be a melancholy lot.* Most accepted their "gift" although apparently on the Island of Coll it was believed one could rid themselves of it by giving alms and praying.
According to Scottish folk custom*, there were distinctly two types of Witchcraft --black and white. "Charmers" and "healers" were examples of the white or positive sort and as much believed in even during times of persecution (which were especially bad in Scotland) as were the malevolent sort so well "documented" by the Witch Hunters. According to Anne Ross such beliefs were never much talked about...even the Charmers were somewhat "Outside" ----and such powers were considered a bit frightening even when used only for good. However, such folk were also sought after for cures, protections (especially from the other sort), and, according to Ross, the best beer in the area (for malt apparently comes under a Witch's power, either to destroy someone else's by a malevolent one or to work best by a Charmer).  (this of course, has little to do with Witches today...for few of us would ever attribute the name "Witch" to one who uses malevolent powers. However, we also have to be ever aware that some Occultists do use such power so that we, like our Charmer predecessors might be able to counteract it when needed. For naivety is seldom an adequate defense.) 

Anne Ross notes "Death has always been one of the main preoccupations of the Celts..."(pg. 107) (perhaps the reason there are a growing number of Gothic Celtic Pagans?). She goes on to note the importance of ancestor honoring, gravesites, and funerals in the cultures. And that such things were not really seen as solely gloomy events...wakes were times of partying, of celebration, as well as a time to try to prevent the spirit of the person from wandering or interfering negatively with the affairs of the living. There would be games played, riddles told, and the laments enjoyed as well as bringing sadness.  

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